Friday, February 10, 2012

American Red Cross Rolls Out New Logo!

The American Red Cross officially unveiled its new logo last Thursday, featuring the iconic Red Cross in a button, to symbolize the personal investment of volunteers, employees and supporters in the Red Cross mission. The Red Cross, one of the world’s most recognized and trusted brands, has historically represented hope, safety on the battlefield, and care in crisis.

This new look is designed to reflect the organization as it is today: modern, authentic and innovative. The updated identity is meant to appeal to both long-time Red Cross supporters and an entirely new generation of volunteers and donors, eager to show their affiliation with the organization. This presentation of the Red Cross logo is similar to the lapel pins and buttons worn by Red Cross supporters in the early part of the 20th century.

While most people think of disaster relief and blood donation when they think of the Red Cross, the updated brand identity is meant to invite people to learn more about the organization and its mission.”We want to show more people how they can be part of a Red Cross that intersects with their lives in many ways,” said Peggy Dyer, chief marketing officer of the Red Cross. “We’re proud of both our history and our future. We look forward to telling our story to a wider audience and the new brand identity is an important step in that process.”

The American Red Cross will continue to roll out its new look when it debuts a redesigned corporate website later this year. The new site will feature the logo button, updated graphics and an enhanced use of photography. It will also feature user-generated content to allow individuals to share their Red Cross experiences.

The American Red Cross is currently developing a public-service ad campaign that will feature stories of people whose lives have been touched by the Red Cross mission.

1 comment:

  1. The Red Cross logo is similar to the lapel pins and buttons but it's really very effective ....!!
