Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Red Cross / Threadless T-Shirt Design Challege

More than half a million Red Cross volunteers and 35,000 employees respond to more than 70,000 emergencies and natural disasters each year. Each of these people makes a difference for families who have lost their homes, possessions, and loved ones. There aren’t enough medals to go around to honor all those who get into gear and help neighbors in need.

To help honor these everyday heroes the American Red Cross is joining with Threadless to host a design challenge that celebrates those who are donating blood, serving meals, and providing shelter when the need is the greatest. With the help of everyday heroes, communities and families are able to rebuild their lives and put disaster behind them. The chosen design will be available at Threadless, and 25% of the sale from each tee will go to the American Red Cross.

The challenge runs now through August 18th, and submissions can be made on the Threadless website. You can also check out what people are doing and help choose the winner. The purpose of this challenge is to create a stand-alone design inspired by the theme, not a brand tee. Your design should not have brand names or logos on it.

If your design is selected, you will receive:

1. $1750 cash
2. $250 Threadless gift certificate
3. Two tickets to the celebrity-attended Red Tie Affair in Santa Monica, CA on April 21, 2012
4. $500 towards airfare to attend The Red Tie Affair
5. A 2-night stay at the Fairmont Hotel in Santa Monica

For full terms and conditions, click here.

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