Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Working Woman Looking for a Few Good Men!

The men must be 16 or older, over 110 pounds and in reasonably good health. Want to be pampered? Will offer movies, cookies and a warm blanket!

WNC Red Cross's platelet recruiter is seeking male donors to give platelets in support of treatment of cancer patients and other life-threatening diseases.

The decision to collect platelets primarily from male donors reflects an effort to reduce the risk of TRALI, or Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury, one of the most common reactions for a patient to have to a blood transfusion.

TRALI reactions are most often associated with blood transfusions that have come from female donors who have had one or more pregnancies. Woman who have been pregnant are more likely to carry the antibodies associated with TRALI as a result of exposure to fetal antigens during pregnancy.

While current female platelet apheresis donors are continuing to donate platelets, there is a serious need to recruit male platelet donors. Could that be you?

One platelet donation can be worth 12 - 18 whole blood donations. See how.

Platelet transfusions are needed each year for thousands of patients:
Bone Marrow Transplant Pations may require 120+ units of platelets
Organ Transplant Patients may require 30+ units of platelets
Cancer Patients may require 20+ units of platelets
Heart Surgery may require 6+ units of platelets

Please consider a donation! Make one platelet recruiter a happy woman while possibly saving lives and answering the hopes of patients and family members, alike.

Our Blood Donation center is located at 100 Edgewood Road, Asheville, NC, 28804. Click here for more information or to set up an appointment.

Click here to learn more about these valuable, possibly life-saving platelet donations.

You can be an Apheresis Warrior, too!

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