Friday, May 20, 2011

Be Red Cross Ready for: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!

Public, we're worried about you. Apparently, you are inordinately worried about a Zombie Apocalypse. Well, we're not here to judge. We're here to help you plan, prepare for and avoid disaster. And now even the Center for Disease Control agrees that zombies are a serious threat (wink wink). So here goes...

Here's a list of resources:

Zombie's been munching on your brains n' bones? Then take The Zombie Bite Calculator Quiz!

Gizmodo and Google Street View help your find the best Zombie emergency escape route in your own neighborhood.

But of course the best thing you can have on hand in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse? A disaster home preparedness kit:

Kit Contents:

Water: One gallon of water per day per person. (Yeah, we know, that's a lot of per's... do it anyway)
Food: At least three days worth of non-perishable food items. Consider the Tactical Sammich. And don't forget a can opener!
Flashlight and Batteries: Essential for when the power goes out from Zombies chewing on power lines. Also useful for shining in Zombie faces.
Hand-Crank Radio: No better way to get your news in a power outages. Also, Zombies hate Katy Perry!
First Aid Kit: This is a no-brainer, if you still have a brain after the Zombie Apocalypse that is.
Medical Supplies: Pre-filled prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, extra glasses and contact lenses.
Sanitary Supplies: Zombies hate cleanliness!
Multi-Purpose Tool: Not a bottle opener!
Personal Documents: To prove you aren't a Zombie!
Cash: Zombies are typically immune from the temptation of bribes but give it a shot.
Map and Contact Information: So you can find peeps and they can find you a la Zombieland.

And you know the best thing about this Kit? It can even be used should a REAL emergency strike. No offense, Zombies.

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