Monday, February 21, 2011

Reblog: Twitter Faux Pas

Since Asheville reigns as Beer City USA, we're surprised that this didn't happen here. While we don't condone drinking and tweeting, we're happy to have gone from "#gettngslizzerd to getting donations" as many have so humorously put it.

Side note: Support your local breweries!

Reblogged from the American Red Cross Blog.

"Last night we accidentally tweeted from our @RedCross account something that was meant to come from a personal account. Here’s what it looked like:

We realized our honest mistake (the Tweeter was not drunk) and deleted the above Tweet. We all know that it’s impossible to really delete a tweet like this, so we acknowledged our mistake:

In the meantime we found so many of you to be sympathetic and understanding. While we’re a 130 year old humanitarian organization, we’re also made of up human beings. Thanks for not only getting that but for turning our faux pas into something good.

You immediately embraced this mix-up and many of you have pledged donations to the Red Cross:

Huge thanks to Dogfish Head Brewery and the micro brew community for encouraging donations.

2 words of caution:

  1. You’ll want to space out giving a pint of blood and drinking a pint of beer for health reasons.
  2. Be careful of Hootsuite!"

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